Username and password: End users must supply a username and password to log into the VPN server.Ĭonnection type: Select the VPN connection type from the following list of vendors:Ĭustom VPN: Select this option if your VPN vendor isn't listed.For more information about certificate profiles, see How to configure certificates. Certificates: Under Authentication certificate, select a SCEP or PKCS certificate profile you previously created to authenticate the connection.
For example, enter or .Īuthentication method: Choose how devices authenticate to the VPN server. VPN server address: Enter the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the VPN server that devices connect to. End users see this name when they browse their device for the list of available VPN connections. Base VPNĬonnection name: Enter a name for this connection. For more information on the enrollment types, see macOS enrollment. These settings are available for all enrollment types.